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Web Analytics

When analyzing the number of visits, their origin, characteristics and behavior, one of the most powerful tools is the one provided by Google itself: Google Analytics.

To do this, it is necessary to correctly implement and configure Google Analytics on the web to be measured. Likewise, other statistical tools that are considered necessary and that serve as support can be installed.

Google Analytics is the official Google tool to analyze visits, it is free and offers automated and personalized reports . It can be integrated with other tools such as Google Console (SEO), Google Adsense and Google Adwords (SEM).

Analítica web

The tool not only serves to measure how many visits are received, but what their main characteristics are, when and what they visit and how they behave. In short, it informs in greater or lesser detail about how each session has been and helps us find out possible improvements and / or problems.

Furthermore, to measure conversions and user actions it is necessary to install conversion pixels, events and other mechanisms.

Objetivos, indicadores y segmentación

Objectives, indicators and segmentation

Once the Google Analytics tool is implemented and configured, it is necessary to study what are the objectives that you want to achieve with the website, which key indicators (KPI) are being measured, etc.

To check if the investment in time and / or money in certain actions has been profitable, the website’s objectives must be studied to see which users have fulfilled them and under what conditions. All this comes from the concept that sometimes it is forgotten that customers must be profitable, so it is necessary not only to maximize the number of them but also their profitability.

To do this, we will use key indicators (KPI) that must meet the acronym SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and defined over time).

Ultimately, it is necessary to determine a series of variables or actions that serve to better study the behavior and conversion of users.

  • Study to determine objectives.
  • Analysis of objectives based on key indicators (KPI).
  • Creation of advanced segments, to analyze and isolate subsets of users.

Analytics reports and alerts

Having the statistics tool implemented and configured is not enough, since it is necessary to analyze everything it offers to make intelligent and optimal decision-making.

Therefore, it is very convenient that you have personalized reports from time to time that help you to know the status of the project, its evolution, the behavior of the users… in addition, it is crucial to detect possible problems or peaks of traffic either to counteract some or enhance others.

Informes analíticos y alertas

These reports will be accompanied not only by graphs that show the most outstanding metrics but also by analysis of these, drawing conclusions that are significant for the web strategy, depending on its objectives and the priorities of your project.

In this way, you trust us with data extraction and interpretation, serving as information filter and as saving time invested in analyzing the success of your website.

  • Personalized reports with presentation of data and interpretation of these.
  • Monitoring and reporting alerts for problems or spikes .
  • Study and proposal of possible improvements or countermeasures.
Auditoría de usuarios objetivo y conversiones

Audit of target users and conversions

For any marketing plan it is necessary to know the target users, know how they behave, what excites them, what attracts them and, in short, what encourages them to meet the website’s objectives.

That is why, in addition to a more technological audit, it is necessary to evaluate the profile and behavior of the visits.

To find out who are the most noticeable users to convert, and what they are like, studies such as:

  • Study of target user profiles.
  • Classification of target users in generalized character models.
  • Study of the information architecture to check if the structure and organization of the contents is adequate.
  • Analysis of intention and abandonment.
  • Analysis of search and navigation.
  • Prototyping.

Usability and user experience (UX) audit

Knowing your users, knowing how they behave and evaluating whether the website is comfortable for them is essential to increase conversions. Usability and user experience are vital to facilitate user interaction with the system.

Usability is the ability of the website to be used in the most efficient way possible to obtain specific objectives, ordered by priority and importance. The user experience is the study of user interaction to check what perception the user has at each moment of the web and what is offered there. It is about finding out how the user feels when browsing the web, whether due to design, accessibility…

Auditoría de usabilidad y experiencia de usuario (UX)

Ultimately, what is sought is to measure the effectiveness and efficiency with which a user is achieved to perform certain tasks, and the satisfaction experienced with it. It is very important to study the motivation of the visitors and why or why they do not complete the objectives of the web.

  • Usability tests online and / or in person.
  • Usability tests on mobiles and / or tablets.
  • Evaluation of user experience.
  • Mousetracking and heat maps.

The analytics and audit that we can do for your project will be adapted to your needs. Ask us!
